Day 24: Only 6 days left. We're in the home stretch!! So far I don't think I've done so bad. Sure, I've had some tough days and I haven't been perfect. But who is? It's unrealistic for anyone to think they can eat perfectly, all the time. Heck, the whole reason for this challenge was to help each other because that's what people need whenever they are doing something difficult. Support and encouragement are key to any success! I can't speak for the other participants in this challenge on their progress since none of them have really reported in to me, so...hmmm, I can only imagine. They're either doing really great and want to surprise me on the 30th with how well they've done or they aren't doing so well, and they're in hiding. Well, don't hide guys!! Bring it this week - come to every class, send me last minute questions, kick up your cardio into high gear and double up on your water intake. This is the week to really stay focused! And remember, it doesn't stop on the 30th! This is a process, and like any process, you have to take it slow, learn the patterns and behaviors to make a change, and allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. I'm here for you, after the 30th and until you don't need me anymore, to guide you, motivate you and encourage you to keep moving toward your goal and to forgive yourself for every accidental detour you take. Getting back on your path isn't hard when you have a guide. ;)
Day 20: Yes, it's been 10 days since I've posted, I know. I don't know where times goes, but it seems to fly by much faster the older I get. To be honest, I haven't posted since I haven't really had much to say (hard to believe, I know) until this morning, when I had a rude awakening...I'm 48 and I AM every woman I've ever trained! I try to convince myself that just "one little bite" won't matter if I work out today. I tell myself that my jeans were just as tight last year as they are today, even though I KNOW that's not true. I justify not working out because I'm too busy. I use rain as an excuse not to go out and run. I blame my laziness on tiredness. But of course, I know, that these are all just reasons for not doing what I know I must do, which is take care of myself! So this morning's question to myself was "Why am I not taking care of myself?" I think this is what we all need to ask ourselves and the answer is ALWAYS going to be one of two options: 1) We are either afraid to or 2) We don't love ourselves enough to. Which is your answer? Both require deep thought and insight into your own psyche, but in the end, we are all better off when we realize the answer, seek to understand it and conquer the option by facing the fear or finding the love. I hope I can help you do both. It's because of YOU that I am doing the same.
Day 20: Yes, it's been 10 days since I've posted, I know. I don't know where times goes, but it seems to fly by much faster the older I get. To be honest, I haven't posted since I haven't really had much to say (hard to believe, I know) until this morning, when I had a rude awakening...I'm 48 and I AM every woman I've ever trained! I try to convince myself that just "one little bite" won't matter if I work out today. I tell myself that my jeans were just as tight last year as they are today, even though I KNOW that's not true. I justify not working out because I'm too busy. I use rain as an excuse not to go out and run. I blame my laziness on tiredness. But of course, I know, that these are all just reasons for not doing what I know I must do, which is take care of myself! So this morning's question to myself was "Why am I not taking care of myself?" I think this is what we all need to ask ourselves and the answer is ALWAYS going to be one of two options: 1) We are either afraid to or 2) We don't love ourselves enough to. Which is your answer? Both require deep thought and insight into your own psyche, but in the end, we are all better off when we realize the answer, seek to understand it and conquer the option by facing the fear or finding the love. I hope I can help you do both. It's because of YOU that I am doing the same.

HEY! Did you know that one, unbuttered large movie theater popcorn is equal to 7 Big Macs!!?? OMG!!
Day 8: AND... it hits. Complete Friday Syndrome - sugar cravings, wine cravings, bread cravings, just to name a few. I think a hard week conditions us to believe that on Friday, we can let it all go and let loose. I know that by 5:00pm today I was ready to throw in the towel completely. So I sat down at my calorie counter and figured out what I needed to do. 1) fulfill my caloric needs for the day without going overboard; 2) have a glass of wine (or two) and not go over my caloric limit; and 3) Not feel completely frustrated. So with a little work (about 5 minutes worth) I managed to figure it out. With my lean pork chop and peas, I had only about 1/4 C. of Risotto instead of my usual 1/2 C. and I was going to allow myself a glass of wine (5 oz. = 120 calories). This part was easy, but as the wine set in and my buzz came on fast since eating such a clean diet, I was quick to bargain with myself for another piece of hallach and another glass of wine. That's the evil of alcohol...while it may not have too many calories in one glass, after you've had that ONE glass, your judgment goes out the window. Before I knew it I had a large 2nd piece of hallach in my hand and was pouring myself "just a little" more wine. All in all, I felt bad that I had broken my promise to myself to eat little or no bread or to not drink alcohol for 30 days. But in the end, I still managed to only take in 1,321 calories for the day, which is under my maximum of 1,500. Oh yeah, did I mention I started the day off with a 45-min. trail run? That does count for something so I'm not going to beat myself up too much. I'll do that tomorrow at Zumba!

As a matter of fact, it was in college that I realized that missing a day a week from classes wasn't normal and saw that I had a problem. It was more evident when my friends didn't bake cookies for me or read to me when I was in my dorm room sick. So, food didn't equal love? Why didn't anyone tell me earlier? Could have saved me a lot of heartache and dieting.
So the lesson here? Attach no emotion to eating. Remember that eating is essential for your body to thrive. Period. Food is fuel and nothing more. It can be fun, delicious and beautiful fuel, but it doesn't have to be in order to eat it. Attaching those requirements will only add more calories and fat to your diet. Keep it simple and let it be fun, delicious and beautiful on special ocassions, making those meals all the more special!
Day 6: I have a confession - I had wine. But I still stayed under 1,400 calories for the day, so in that regard, I guess it was okay. Here's the sacrafice - instead of an entree I ordered seared ahi tuna as an appetizer with a side of grilled asparagus. It was a small price to pay for the wine and company of my BFF Rory!
Day 5: Seems I spoke too soon yesterday - boy last night the sugar cravings hit hard! No wine and sugar for 5 days and the body says WTF? Nothing like Sugar Free Jello and Cool Whip Free as an emergency save. My advice: make a big batch and keep it ready for those late night cravings.
Day 4: Here's a breakfast recipe that not only satisfies, it helps jump start your day and your metabolism! Eat this one before 9am and get your day going right! See Breakfast Brick Recipe below.
The chocolate cravings have subsided. Finding that if I don't have at least 650 calories by 2pm I'm seriously cranky and tired. Gotta keep adding fuel to the fire - throwing another log on in 2 hours! What's your favorite mid-day snack?
Day 3: Hey my Weight Loss Challenge Ladies!! Check it out... has a great application for your IPhone and Droid. Punch in your weight, height, age, etc., and it will tell you how many calories to eat and how much calories you need to burn in order to lose fat! It's free and it's pretty cool!
Day 2: It's Friday night and not having wine or challach is seriously bumming me out. I am only allowed 600 more calories today and I still haven't had dinner! Grrrrrr
Day 1: Casey Katzman shared this with me and now I'm passing it on to you... NF Cottage Cheese (1/2 pt.); 1 Scoop Chocolate Casein Prot. Powder; Stir in Unsweetened Almond Milk until smooth and creamy. Freeze for 1/2 hour. YUMMMY! Pure Protein Dessert!
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