Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm Not Just a Trainer...I'm Your Shrink, Your Dietician, Your Marriage Counselor and MORE!

As a trainer for the last 16 years, I have seen and heard just about every excuse and reason imaginable for someone to delay, quit, cancel, stall, hedge, and avoid exercise.  Of course, today someone will walk in with a new one, but it's still the same story...they are afraid.  Fear is the #1 killer of progress.  Nothing can change when you are paralized by fear.  The other factor is a lack of motivation.  It's amazing how many people simply are not motivated to take care of themselves until they are faced with a 'near death' or medical urgency to do so, which takes me back to issue #1: "fear"

So my job, more than getting you moving, is getting you out of your own way, out of  fear and into a "safe zone" that is also out of your "comfort zone".   But you have to let go of these excuses:

  1. I’m tired
  2. I work long hours
  3. Chasing after my kids is enough exercise
  4. I walk 
  5. I'm too busy - my life is crazy and I can't be tied down to a schedule
  6. I don’t need to lose weight
  7. I have bad knees
  8. I'm not a morning person
  9. I don't like to sweat or get my heart rate too high.
  10. I can't afford it

With all that today's lifestyles demand, EVERYONE is busy, stressed, overworked, budget minded and tired.  These are issues that are also not likely to change, so we have to adjust to them.  Denying your body its natural inclination and need to MOVE, the worst thing you can do is deny yourself a chance to exercise.  In fact, exercise has been proven over and again to not only relieve stress, but increase endorphins (happy hormones) and prolong the body's life span.

I've had my share of clients who were self-saboteurs and I spend many a session working through self-inflicted obstacles with them everyday, so much in fact that sometimes I think I need more initials after my name.  But that's not a dig at my clients.  In fact, I am HONORED to be the person they share their fears, insecurities and troubles with because it means they trust me.  And TRUST ME they should because I will always tell them the truth..."Excuses are like a**holes, everyone has one and they all STINK!"

So, if you can imagine yourself saying any one or more of the 10 excuses above, you need to call me or write to me and I will tell you the truth about that "excuse".  I don't pull punches, I don't sugar coat anything, I tell it like it is, truthfully.  And I can promise you that releasing the hold that fear has over you, will definitely set you free!

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." ~ Joseph Campbell

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