Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What If Shit DOES Happen?

What If Shit DOES Happen?  

I Didn't Sign Up to Be The Food Police

Food Police Chief, Leslie Maltz
Recently, I was at a dinner function and of course, as always, the table talk eventually centered around food and exercise.  It seems that whenever I am present, people immediately feel the urge to tell me about their workouts (or lack thereof) and make excuses about what they eat, as if I'm the Food Police or something.  So, as usual, someone looked to me and said "I'm sure you would NEVER eat this, right?"  Instead of being honest, I say "no", but inside I'm screaming "YES YOU MORON! OF COURSE I WOULD!!"  But I can't say that, because this guy's overweight and if I say yes, he'll immediately assume I've given him license to eat it; I am the Food Police after all! But I didn't sign up to be the Food Police and it's no fun having people watch every bite you put in your mouth.  Likewise, nothing kills a great dinner party than having someone like me sitting across from you when the dessert tray gets passed around.  You see now why I don't get invited to very many functions.  Or maybe it's because I refer to people as "morons" in my head - there is that (but I assure you, I use "moron" in the most loving sense of the word.)

What if...We ARE ALL Super BE-ings!

People also assume that I am some Super Athlete because I have exceeded in a variety of athletic activities including martial arts, triathlons, adventure races and now bikini competitions.  As much as I'd love to think I have super powers, the truth is, I don't.  I am, however, super motivated and super dedicated and am a perfect example of what anyone can BE when they take "WHAT IF..." out of their inner voice.   You, yes YOU, could do anything I have done and can BE anything you want to be!  The only question should be "Do you Want it?"

Little Demon (aka "Inner Saboteur")

When I started my 15 week bikini competition prep, I had a little demon inside my head who continued to plague my thoughts 24 hours a day.  Much like Dexter's "Dark Passenger" she was constantly questioning my every move with things like "What if you can't do it? What if you can't finish the training prep?  What if you come in last place and your clients think you are a loser? What if you trip in those shoes?  What if  you hurt yourself?  What if you have a 'bikini malfunction'? What if you still have cellulite on your legs on the day of the competition? What if you start your cycle the morning of?" And then, of course, because of all the stress my little demon put on me with all those "What If's", I became constipated and for three days leading up to competition day, I was unable to release that stress.  So what do you think happened?  On the day of the competition, when I hadn't taken a crap in three days, my little demon perked right up and demanded to know "What if that laxative you took last night kicks in when you're on stage!?"  She is such a bitch. 

My W.I.S.H (What If Shit Happens)

So here's what I say now..."What if...I had listened to my little demon?"  I probably never would have gotten on that stage, and I certainly never would have won 1st place.

What if ANY of those things had actually happened?  Well, shit happens, as we all know (and as the photo at the top clearly demonstrates) and there's little any of us can do to stop it.  However we do have the ability to control that which controls us...FEAR. Being present to the fear, acknowledging its existence and continuing to move forward is the only way to change.  Staying in that state of fear only keeps us from realizing our full potential and thwarts any progress or transformation.


  • What is the "What if" that stops YOU in your tracks?
  • What are you not doing because of the fear of "What if?"
  • Are you willing to talk back to your Inner Demon and say "Who CARES...I'm doing it anyway!!"?

I W.I.S.H. to Hear From YOU!

I am not a Super Athlete.  I AM super athletic, but that's because I refuse to say "I Can't".  Two words that I will discuss in my next blog...

Send me a note and let me know how you would live your life knowing that your Inner Demon could no longer keep you from living the life of your dreams!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Can Tony Soprano Save Your Life?

What Can “The Sopranos” Teach Us About Health and Fitness?

I remember the first time I watched The Sopranos.  The star of the show sat staring as the ducks in his pool flew away and he ended up relating this to his new therapist.  He wanted to know... “What did this mean?”

Tony Soprano was a grisly, adulterous, murdering character, but somehow James Gandolfini played him in a way that made us identify with him as a normal guy with everyday problems, too. Gandolfini’s real life warmth and charm were able to bleed through.

James Gandolfini’s sudden death in June reminded us all that even people we don’t think of as “real”, are just that. They love, feel and are just as vulnerable to the real life villains that we all face.

His seemingly ‘good health’, as reported by his friends, hid the bigger problems buried beneath the surface.  Over drinking, poor eating habits, and a high weight (260 at his death) left a ticking time bomb in his heart.  His untimely death at 51 leaves us all to wonder if we could do better for ourselves and our families.

He left behind a 13 year old son, less than 1 year old baby daughter, and his wife. 

Who would you leave behind if you died unexpectedly?

Limited to the First 10 Gangsters!

In honor of James Gandolfini, I am holding a Free ‘Sopranos Longevity Session’ ($297 Value) for the First 10 Gangsters who are seriously interested in playing their part long into the third act.  Together, we’re going to make an honest assessment of your health and wellness to keep your ducks in the pool for another season.

Want to Learn More?  Book Your Session Today!

In this 60-minute session, here’s what we are going to cover:
  • Body Composition test to assess your health risks
  • Create a plan for you to take action immediately
  • How improved health could immediately add energy into your life
  • Identify what poor health is costing you (and you may not even know it!)
Don’t let something simple like your health cut your time short.  It’s easier than you think to make simple changes to keep you playing your role in your family’s life for years to come.


I only work with serious people and I rarely open up my time like this.  That’s why I am limiting this offer to the first 10 serious people who are ready to change their lives forever.  In order to qualify, you must...

  • Be ready, willing and able to take action now towards improving your health;  
  • Be open and willing to change your diet;
  • Be open and willing to change your schedule to accommodate exercise;
  • Be open and willing to change your mind about what you are capable of; and
  • Be open and willing to LOVE yourself!

SO, are you ready?  Then all you have to do is schedule your session now by clicking here,
and show up to make it happen!

Training for YOUR Life,


P.S.  I am limiting this to the First 10 Gangsters who choose to implement this immediately.  This won’t last and I expect my calendar to be booked up very rapidly.  Reserve your spot now!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Finally, A Diet Plan that Encourages Chocolate!

All Chocolate is Not Created Equal

Some can actually help you burn fat!  (See my recipes below!)

If you are like most people trying to lose weight, you've probably always thought that chocolate was a "no no".  In fact, most people think of dieting as a kind of "deprevation" of all things yummy!  That's just a myth and not a very nice one if you ask me.  I LOVE chocolate - and let's face it, most people equate chocolate to love or we ladies wouldn't be the happy recipients of it every February 14th.

Chocolate has amazing benefits, but it's the type of chocolate you are eating that creates the benefits.  Chocolate isn't what it used to be.  In fact, most chocolate nowadays is so diluted with substandard milk by-products and high fructose corn syrup (not even sugar anymore!) that the actual cocoa is minimal.  Why?  It all comes down to money.  It's cheaper to put fillers in any product than to actually put in the "product".  The cocoa bean crop has also been depleted in many areas and thus the cost of cocoa has risen.  Many manufacturers simply don't want to spend the money to purchase quality cocoa and instead fill the product with other fats and sugars to keep the consumer "sweetened" on the deal.

Well, studies have shown over the years that chocolate, DARK CHOCOLATE specifically, has amazing health benefits.  Here's a little taste...

Health benefits of Dark Chocolate ~
Research indicates that dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants that block arterial damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. 

Chocolate’s flavonoids relax blood vessels while the mood-altering serotonin, endorphins and phenylethylamine cure depression and act as a mild aphrodisiac. So stop feeling guilty about that half-kilo of chocolate you just inhaled.

What is the best chocolate?   Some say the best chocolate in the world is the one that gives you the most pleasure the moment you eat it.  I happen to think it's the Isa Delights Plus (dark chocolate).

What are Isa Delights? 

Isa Delights are "happy" chocolates that you can eat guilt free (not to excess of course - nothing is guilt free when overdone), but you can rest assured when you are eating them, you are doing your body good.

Read More about Isa Delights


Here's a great little bite size chocolate snack that will not only fulfill your chocolate craving, but is all organic, high in good fats and protein, amino acids and has only 1 gram of sugar!  



  •  1/2 Ripe Avocado
  • Approx. 3 Tablespoons of Nuttzo (you can also use Almond Butter)
  • Approx. 1/4 Cup of Coconut Creamer (you can use Coconut Milk or Almond Milk too)
  • 2 heaping Tablespoons Dark Cocoa (I usually use organic dark from Whole Foods but didn't have, so I used Hershey's Special Dark here and it worked well too)
  • 1/2 tsp of Vanilla
  • 1 packet of Stevia
  • 1 Scoop Chocolate IsaLean (full meal replacement with Amino Acids & Minerals)  (You can use regular Chocolate protein powder, but I use IsaLean, a very high quality GRASS FED un-denatured whey protein, superior to anything else I have ever had).
  • Just a pinch of Sea Salt

Mix the avocado & NuttZo into a bowl and mash together with a fork until smooth.  Then add all the other ingredients into the bowl and mix together vigorously until all mixed and smooth.  If you like using a food processor or Magic Bullet, you can use those too.  Just make sure everything is mixed well.  The consistency should be thick, but not dry...sort of like a very thick brownie mix that you can mold into small balls with your hands.

This recipe will actually HELP you to burn fat, control cravings and satisfy your body's need for micro-nutrients, proten, healthy fats and fiber.

You can also make this into a more pudding-like dessert by using only Almond Butter (no NuttZo) and adding a bit more coconut milk.  Be aware though - it's addictive!

Refrigerate and serve cold or frozen.

Want to get really decadent??  Dip in melted IsaDelight Dark Chocolates and freeze!  OMG - such a treat for only about 75 Calories (when dipped).

Serving Size:  1 Ball
Approximate Nutrition Facts: (I'm no scientist, but I think this is close enough)
3g Fat
2.5g Protein
1g Sugar
56 Calories per Ball
Makes 10 Balls

Here's another great one that's always a favorite and OH SO EASY!  

CHOCOLATE (Isa Delight Plus Dark Chocolate) DRIZZLED
Step 1:  Break up (2) Isa Delights into small pieces and put in a small microwaveable glass

Step 2:  Melt for approximately 30 seconds - stir to be sure it's melted.  If not, put in for another 15 seconds.  DO NOT OVERCOOK.

Step 3:  Drizzle Chocolate over washed and dried Organic Strawberries.

Step 4:  Put in the refrigerator or freezer for 5 minutes or until the chocolate has hardened.
Enjoy!!  Nothing but pure goodness here!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Losing Fat Doesn't Have To Be A Losing Battle - Debunking Fat Loss Myths

Losing Fat Doesn't Have To Be A Losing Battle

Let's Debunk Some Fat Loss Myths Shall We??

 Myth #1:  To get a flat stomach, you have to do a ton of ab exercises.  

FACT:  The only thing ab exercises will do is give you an amazing 6 pack....hidden by the keg that still exists!  CRUNCHES do NOT burn fat.

Myth #2:  To lose weight fast, you have to cut your calories to under 1000 a day. 

FACT:   The more food (healthy) you eat, the more calories you will burn.  I know, sounds ridiculous right?  Nope ~ See Myth #4 below...

Myth #3:  If I work out 3 times a week, I should lose a pound a week.

FACT:   Weight loss is a science and it's different for everyone.  First, you have to know what your resting metabolic rate (BMR) is.  That's how many calories you need a day to sustain your current weight.  To find out what your BMR is, scroll down and find the easy calculator below.   In order to lose a pound a week, you have to reduce your calories by 3500 calories in 7 days.  You can cut 500 calories a day, but your body needs nutrition so the best way to do it is to reduce your calories by about 250 calories a day (take out all the shit you eat, not the protein or complex carbs) and get your body moving to the tune of 250 calories burned a day!  Not as easy as you might think.  35 minutes on the treadmill at a 5%-15% incline, speed walking & running intervals burns approximately 250 calories.  See My Exercise Chart

Myth #4:  I eat perfectly, so it must be that I have a slow metabolism.

FACT:  NOBODY (except the very rare and dedicated competitive athlete) eats perfectly.  And if you are eating regularly ~ every 2 1/2 - 3 hours ~ your metabolism will be just fine.  It's WHAT you are eating and how often, that slows down your metabolism.  Not eating very often (once or twice a day) is detrimental to your metabolism. To keep your metabolism high, which will burn more calories (even at rest), it’s best to eat small frequent meals throughout the day.   Unfortunately, our food supply is simply insufficient to provide us with the amount of nutrients required to satisfy our body and therefore, our brain thinks we are still hungry and craves more food.  That's why you can go out for dinner, stuff yourself and come home and the first thing you do is open the fridge.  If you were getting satiated with the proper nutrition, your brain wouldn't tell you that you were hungry.

Myth #5:  If I eat only organic foods, I will lose weight.

Organic Does Not Mean Low Calorie
FACT:  You might go broke, but you won't necessarily lose weight.  However, that's not to say that organic foods can't improve your chances of dropping a few pounds.  When you consume GMO foods (Genetically Modified Foods) you are also consuming a host of unknown factors, including pesticides, germicides, insecticides and quite possibly genes from a completely different species!  Do your homework!  Eating organic foods will reduce the chance of you consuming GMO foods and toxic chemicals, which your body protects itself from by doing what???  PRODUCING FAT to protect your vital organs.  So the less toxic your body is, the less fat cells your body will reduce.  Want to know how toxic you are?  Take My QUIZ!

So, do you see a pattern here?  People who eat tons of fast foods are eating tons of unclean food (if you can even call it food).  The body doesn't get satiated, since there isn't any real nutrition being given the body.  The brain says "Hey!  I'm still hungry, so SUPERSIZE ME!"  The liver says "WAIT A GOSH DARN PICKIN' MINUTE! I can't process all that crap and I don't even know what to do with this stuff they call "corn", so I'm gonna cover it with fat to protect you from it.  Hmmm, now where should I store all that fat?  I guess around your mid section since that's where all your vital organs are.  No room there?  No problem, those arms could use some more fat!"  
You see how this is going? 

Myth #6:  If I follow the Master Cleanse, I can lose weight whenever I want to.  I can drop 5-10 lbs. in a week!

Yeah, after 10 days of just these 4 things, I think I'd lose a few pounds (not to mention the muscle loss!)
FACT:  Again - and I cannot emphasis this enough...do your homework!  Any diet (and that includes any one of  Dr. Oz's amazing diet of the day) that promises you will lose 5-10 lbs. in a week, should also promise you that you'll not only put it back on immediately, but it will be that much harder to lose the next time you try. In fact, there is such a thing called "Weight Loss Resistence" which scientists have found is a real and serious consequence of frequent "fad dieting" and quick weight loss.  Here's a link to a great site that explains this issue in detail. 

For more information on the negative side effects of the Master Cleanse, click here!

My Two Cents

 (which in truth, is actually worth quite a bit more to my clients):

As I am preparing for my very first bikini competition in August (6 weeks away) I am acutely aware of the effects of everything on my body.  

If I want to lose weight, it comes down to a few very basic Rules & Tools:

  • Cardio EVERY day
  • Weight Training 5-6 days a week, alternating body parts
  • Breakfast!!  Grapefruit / unsweetened oatmeal & egg whites or protein powder in my oatmeal
  • Eat organic, clean, high protein, no sugar meals every 2 1/2 - 3 hours - I eat ISAGENIX 2-3x/day and it's amazing!
  • NO COW (Nada!)

Of course, I couldn't do it without my favorite TOOL:  ISAGENIX.  Their 30-Day Weight Loss / Cleansing System is what got me on track to begin with.  It makes getting all of my nutrients and minerals easy and is completely GMO and Artificial Color / Sweetener FREE!   If you want to know more about ISAGENIX and how it can not only improve your figure and your health, but your financial wealth as well, please contact me!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm Not Just a Trainer...I'm Your Shrink, Your Dietician, Your Marriage Counselor and MORE!

As a trainer for the last 16 years, I have seen and heard just about every excuse and reason imaginable for someone to delay, quit, cancel, stall, hedge, and avoid exercise.  Of course, today someone will walk in with a new one, but it's still the same story...they are afraid.  Fear is the #1 killer of progress.  Nothing can change when you are paralized by fear.  The other factor is a lack of motivation.  It's amazing how many people simply are not motivated to take care of themselves until they are faced with a 'near death' or medical urgency to do so, which takes me back to issue #1: "fear"

So my job, more than getting you moving, is getting you out of your own way, out of  fear and into a "safe zone" that is also out of your "comfort zone".   But you have to let go of these excuses:

  1. I’m tired
  2. I work long hours
  3. Chasing after my kids is enough exercise
  4. I walk 
  5. I'm too busy - my life is crazy and I can't be tied down to a schedule
  6. I don’t need to lose weight
  7. I have bad knees
  8. I'm not a morning person
  9. I don't like to sweat or get my heart rate too high.
  10. I can't afford it

With all that today's lifestyles demand, EVERYONE is busy, stressed, overworked, budget minded and tired.  These are issues that are also not likely to change, so we have to adjust to them.  Denying your body its natural inclination and need to MOVE, the worst thing you can do is deny yourself a chance to exercise.  In fact, exercise has been proven over and again to not only relieve stress, but increase endorphins (happy hormones) and prolong the body's life span.

I've had my share of clients who were self-saboteurs and I spend many a session working through self-inflicted obstacles with them everyday, so much in fact that sometimes I think I need more initials after my name.  But that's not a dig at my clients.  In fact, I am HONORED to be the person they share their fears, insecurities and troubles with because it means they trust me.  And TRUST ME they should because I will always tell them the truth..."Excuses are like a**holes, everyone has one and they all STINK!"

So, if you can imagine yourself saying any one or more of the 10 excuses above, you need to call me or write to me and I will tell you the truth about that "excuse".  I don't pull punches, I don't sugar coat anything, I tell it like it is, truthfully.  And I can promise you that releasing the hold that fear has over you, will definitely set you free!

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." ~ Joseph Campbell

Monday, February 11, 2013

Deodorant is a Stinky Business

Ever Wonder What Affects Deodorants May Be Have To Your Health?

Deodorants and antiperspirants can cause breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Benign side effects of Deodorants and antiperspirants are skin irritation and allergies, but more serious dangers of deodorants can be vulvar dermatitis. 
Deodorants have been linked to breast cancer, because many deodorants use Parabens as preservatives, and breast tumors have been found to contain larger concentration of these chemicals. 
An alleged danger of deodorants is that they could cause Alzheimer's disease due to the fact that they contain Aluminium salts such as Aluminium Chlorhydrate (to close the pores), and that the brains of Alzheimer's patients contain high levels of toxic Aluminium.  read more...


Make Your Own Chemical Free Organic Deodorant for as Little as .07 Cents a Month!

This recipe was shared with me by a client of mine.  It's not only 100% organic and aluminum free, it also only costs approximately .83 cents for a WHOLE YEAR SUPPLY!!

1/4 Cup Baking Soda (with no additives)
1/4 Cup Organic Corn Starch
6 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil

Combing the dry ingredients and then drop in the Coconut Oil.  Moosh together with a spoon until smooth.  Apply a finger's worth under each arm pit.  Not only will you stay dry, but you'll smell good too!  Will keep in a baby food jar for months.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

100 Healthy Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

100 Healthy Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

I recently discovered this list on www.coachcalorie.com.  I'm sure those of you who know me or train with me will understand why, then,  I literally screamed when I saw this list!  I'm shocked that anyone would compile a list like this and propose that these foods actually help you lose weight!  I couldn't let it go.....so, as you'll see, my narrative and comments are in RED after each item described.  I stopped at 20, so frustrated with the author that I simply couldn't go on.  You get my drift.  

1.    Ground Beef - this is a staple in my house. We use 95% lean grass-fed beef. The grass-fed beef is higher in vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, omega-3s, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).  Are you friggin' kidding me?? Bison contains less calories, fat and cholesterol than beef, pork or chicken. And at the same time more iron (great for women especially) and vitamin B12 than its “competitors”. In addition, their environmental factor is also favorable compared to commercial beef since they are generally grass-fed, require less water and are also less prone to illness.  Also higher in Omega-3's & 9's.  See Chart: http://www.chow.com/photos/457915
2.    Grapes – high in resveratrol, which is a phytonutrient shown to increase longevity. Great, but I thought weight loss was the goal here.  Grapes are the 2nd highest in sugar content, figs being the highest.  See: http://www.fitsugar.com/Sugar-Content-Fruit-20134844
3.    Brussels Sprouts – high in vitamins K and C, this cruciferous vegetable improves the stability of DNA in our white blood cells.  Okay, I agree, Brussels Sprouts are good for you.
4.    Whole Wheat - whole wheat is tricky because it is usually accompanied by several other processed ingredients. Ideally you’d want to stick with products that are 100% whole wheat, and that is it.   Oy Vey!  Whole wheat has been called "the Perfect Chronic Poison" by Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist who wrote a book about wheat.  Whole GRAINS are far better, but again, knowing which grains have been "hybridized" (not GMO...something much, much worse!) is key.  Davis said that the wheat we eat these days has many new features, such as there's a new protein in this "wheat" called gliadin.  It's not gluten, it's an opiate!  "This (gliadin) binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people stimulates appetite..."  Doesn't sound like a great food for weight loss to me!
5.    Chicken – a staple in nearly every weight loss program. It’s low in fat and high in protein – a winning combo. When attempting to lose weight, you always want to eat proteins that have a high absorption rate.  Chicken is not the best choice.  #1 would be Fish and #2 would be Whey protein with proteolytic enzymes, not just plain whey protein.  Proteolytic enzymes (digestive enzymes) can increase absorption rate of the whey protein by nearly 80%! http://www.precisionnutrition.com/rr-whey-too-much
6.    Pineapple - they’re high in vitamin C. Our family eats them regularly as a fruit serving at dinner. Kids love it.  See #2 above.  I'm starting to think the author of this list know NOTHING about nutrition.  Pineapples aren't even on the top 10 list of foods with the highest vitamin C...not that Vitamin C has anything to do with weight loss.
7.    Green Peas - contains a polyphenol called coumestrol, which can protect against stomach cancer. Also contains several other antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.  Again, greens are GREAT.
8.    Asparagus - rich in inulin, a prebiotic that supports our digestive tracks.  Love Asparagus!
9.    Pumpkin Seeds – these seeds taste great and are a good topping to salads.  Seeds and Nuts are fats, which are essential in our diet for digestion and brain function.  Do they help you lose weight?  No.
10.  Turkey – a great lean source of protein you can eat year round for variety.  Just as with Chicken, remember to buy ORGANIC, free range, hormone free and antibiotic free Turkeys.
11.  Lemons/Limes - add a couple to your water for added flavor and taste bud stimulation.  Really?  I think they're reaching here.
12.   Yams – yams are very water dense, and are low-glycemic – providing for a very satiating meal. Yes, yams are a great choice for a carbohydrate, but only eat 1/2 at a meal with the skin.  Best if wrapped in foil and baked for an hour.
13.  Eggplant – rich in nasunin, a flavonoid antioxidant that scavenges free radicals and protects brain cell membranes.  Yes - Eggplant is a low-carb, nutrient-dense, calorie-poor food. Also it's low glycemic, which is essential for weight loss.  
14.  Plums – the skin of plums are high in the antioxidant phenols neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid.  See #2
15.  Salmon – an excellent fatty fish that’s high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins D and B12.  I couldn't agree more...however WATCH OUT - New GMO Salmon is on the way to your market and it's Franken-Salmon!  (grown in 1/2 the time and made twice as big in a fish farm - read: lots of antibiotics)
16.  Celery – makes a great snack when dipped in all-natural peanut butter.  Also the most toxic of all vegetables.  Celery has been studied and found to hold on to 72 carcinogenic toxins.
17.  Sunflower Seeds – high in Vitamin E and a good snack to bring to the movie theater.  Yeah, if all you want to eat during the movie is "fat".  Try taking a bag of Sugar Snap Peas instead.  Cold, crunchy and sweet with nearly zero caloric effect and zero glycemic effect on the body.
18.  Papaya – very high in vitamin C, and contains a digestive enzyme called papain.  Um, apparently this author didn't know that Papaya is now an exclusive GMO grown in Hawaii and the US and Canada are the ONLY COUNTRIES in the world that import it for consumption.  No other country will allow Hawaiian Papayas to be consumed. 
19.  Cabbage – a good source of sinigrin, which has cancer preventative properties.  I thought we were talking about weight loss. In any case, cabbage has very little caloric value and can be added to anything you like, tacos, salad, soup, but be ready to be a little "noisy" in the restroom. 
20.  Butter – most people think butter is unhealthy because of its saturated fat content. In moderation however, it contains valuable fatty acids like CLA. It is also great to cook with because of its ability to remain stable under high temperatures.  Let's face it, nobody's getting fat eating fats, they're getting fat eating sugar and foods with little to no nutritional value (i.e., fast foods).  If you eat 1 T of butter a day, you aren't going to get fat.  It's a far better choice than the chemically designed "fake" butters and margarines on the shelves.  But for me, I always stay away from anything from a cow.  Make that your mantra and you'll feel better all around, not just in your waistline.
Take a look at the remaining 80 foods and write your own comments!  
I want to hear what YOU THINK! 
1.    Ham – not the leanest of meats, but still OK to eat in moderation.
2.    Kiwi – high in vitamin C and phytonutrients that protect DNA.
3.    Chickpeas – very high in insoluble fiber, and very low-glycemic. Great for filling you up, making hummus.
4.    Cashews – most of the fat in cashews is oleic acid, which has been shown to be cardio protective.
5.    Garlic – a great way to add flavor to meals. It’s also high in sulfur compounds that help keep blood pressure in check.
6.    Eggs – a cheap form of protein it’s rich in choline, which can reduce inflammation markers like C-reactive protein.
7.    Collard Greens – one of the healthiest foods in the world. Packed with vitamins K, A, and C, and is great at lowering cholesterol levels.
8.    Cheese – rich in calcium and helps prevent bone loss.
9.    Zucchini – has many carotenoid antioxidants and can be creatively cut up into noodle shapes and used as pasta.
10.  Scallops – a good source of protein, vitamin B12, and selenium.
11.  Lentils – a great source of protein for the vegetarian. Packed full of fiber, molybdenum, folate, and magnesium.
12.  Pears – contain flavanoids associated with a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes.
13.  Milk – high in vitamin D, calcium, and CLA. An easy and cheap way to get in protein. Lactose intolerant people may want to avoid.
14.  Raisins – good source of antioxidant phenols. An easy snack for on-the-go situations.
15.  Wine – moderate consumption reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. It also contains resveratrol – the purported longevity antioxidant. 
16.  Beets – red pigments are high in belatins, which have anti-inflammatory properties.
17.  Greek Yogurt – a highly versatile food. Can be substituted for sour cream in recipes. You can also make a ranch dip by adding spices like garlic, onion, salt, pepper, parsley, and celery seed.
18.  Green Tea – one of the healthiest drinks in the world. High in EGCG, which gives tea its anticancer properties.
19.  Grapefruit – great source of vitamin C and the antioxidant lycopene.
20.  Beans – a good high fiber, low fat, high protein food. Perfect choice for vegetarians and meat eaters alike.
21.  Cod – lowers cardiovascular disease risk via its omega-3, vitamin B12 and B6 content.
22.  Chia Seeds – high in omega-3s, it supports heart health, and helps improve insulin sensitivity.
23.  Artichokes – rich in antioxidants, it helps increase bile flow, and it can potentially regenerate liver tissue.
24.  Cherries – contain phytonutrients like anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants responsible for giving cherries their color.
25.  Sweet Potatoes – one of if not the highest source of beta-carotene in our diets. Slice them up, sprinkle them with cinnamon, and bake them to make cinnamon sweet potato fries.
26.  Almonds – high in healthy fats that lower LDL cholesterol.
27.  Flaxseeds – a plant source that’s extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids. I put a tbsp in my protein smoothie. You can also use flax oil for a potent source of omega-3 fatty acids.
28.  Walnuts – great source of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol). Also provides one of the highest sources of omega-3s in a nut.
29.  Peanut Butter – the ingredients should only say peanuts, and possibly salt. Who doesn’t like peanut butter?
30.  Coffee – is packed with antioxidants, and can be beneficial for helping you lose weight.
31.  Spinach – an ultimate superfood. Ranks among the top 10 of the majority of nutrients. Use as a salad base or add a handful to your smoothie (you can’t taste it, promise).
32.  Pistachios – good source of healthy fats and vitamin B6.
33.  Pomegranate – punicalagins, which are only found in pomegranates, lower blood pressure and protect blood vessels.
34.  Seaweed – good soluble fiber source, and rich in minerals.
35.  Broccoli – one of a handful of veggies that are high in vitamin C. Has numerous antioxidant properties.
36.  Dark Chocolate – dark chocolate is full of antioxidants. Aim for cacao contents above 70%. 
37.  Pumpkin – high in fiber and vitamin A, which will keep your vision sharp.
38.  Radishes – contain isothiocyanates, which can protect against cancer.
39.  Cauliflower – cruciferous vegetable that’s high in vitamin C. Also, it has cancer preventative qualities. Ricing cauliflower gives you a low-carb rice alternative.
40.  Strawberries – high in vitamin C and cardio-protective antioxidants.
41.  Bananas – packed with potassium, and makes a great base to a smoothie when you slice them up and freeze them.
42.  Steak – yup, even a good steak is OK in moderation. Leaner cuts like sirloin are a good pick.
43.  Turnips – rich in glucosinolate, which help the liver process toxins.
44.  Honey – nature’s sweetener. It has many enzymes that are beneficial to your health. Go raw and unfiltered.
45.  Cranberries – protects against urinary tract infections via its proanthocyanidins content.
46.  Oats – a good breakfast choice. Pick steal cut oats or regular over instant, as they will provide you with a slower release of glucose into the bloodstream. 
47.  Brown Rice – brown rice keeps the nutritious bran and germ layer intact, unlike its white rice cousin.
48.  Corn – why not pop some popcorn for a healthy, low-calorie snack?
49.  Apples – a good source of fiber, and its skin is high in polyphenols.
50.  Oranges – like most citrus fruits, it’s high in vitamin C. Also contains many phytonutrients.
51.  Kale – considered a superfood by many. High in vitamin A and K. It also helps detox the body. 
52.  Bacon – What? Bacon? Healthy? Like nearly every whole food, in moderation, bacon can add some flavorful goodness to your diet.
53.  Blackberries – high in fiber, and they reduce inflammation via their anthocyanin content.
54.  Onions – they add great flavor and are high in polyphenols.
55.  Spaghetti Squash – a perfect low-carb alternative to pasta. I even think it tastes better!
56.  Tomatoes – its skin is a rich source of lycopene, and the tomato as a whole is packed with phytonutrients.
57.  Green Beans – low in calories and high in carotenoids and flavonoids.
58.  Edamame – a rich source of isoflavones, which can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
59.  Apricots – a source of beta-carotene and fiber.
60.  Cucumbers – contain lignans that reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
61.  Carrots – an extremely rich source of beta-carotene, which is good for the health of your eyes.
62.  Peppers – they have one of the most concentrated amounts of vitamin C per calorie than any other food. Their varied skin pigments are also antioxidant rich.
63.  Avocados – full of healthy fats like monounsaturated oleic acid. High in fiber too. Try mixing avocado and greek yogurt together for a nice creamy sauce.
64.  Blueberries – a low-glycemic fruit that’s high in antioxidants that protect against neurodegenerative disease.
65.  Quinoa – one of the few grains considered to be a complete protein source.
66.  Pork – a fattier meat, but good in moderation if it fits into your calorie allotment.
67.  Mushrooms – good for immune support. I recently started putting shiitake mushrooms in my fruit smoothie. For someone that hates mushrooms, I couldn’t taste them at all – win/win.
68.  Spices & Herbs – basil, cinnamon, thyme – you name it, it’s healthy for you. A great way to add low-calorie flavor to your meals.
69.  Mangoes – the phytonutrients in mangoes can protect against cancer.
70.  Shrimp – rich in the antioxidant astaxanthin, which protects against inflammation.
71.  Tuna – a good source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Omega-3s from animal sources don’t have to undergo the conversion process like plants do.
72.  Olive Oil – plenty of healthy fat and phytonutrients here. Use it to cook with or as a salad dressing. Try picking the unfiltered kind.  I prefer Coconut oil in many cases.
73.  Peaches – contains chlorogenic acid, which is a powerful free radical scavenger.
74.  Coconuts – high in healthy fat (MCTs), vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. The health benefits of coconut are too numerous to list.   
75.  Watermelon – like tomatoes, it gets its red color from the antioxidant lycopene.
76.  Buffalo – a nice lean source of red meat that’s packed full of fat-soluble vitamins.
77.  Pluots – scavenge free radicals via their chlorogenic acid antioxidant content.
78.  Water – obviously not a food, but no list is complete without water. Water is in every single food on this list, and should be the staple of your liquid intake. It makes everything in your body work more efficiently.
79.  Alfalfa Sprouts – full of enzymes and antioxidants that help assimilate nutrients and protect against cell oxidation.
80.  [Tell me your favorite "fat burning" food below!]

Here's a link to "The Dirty Dozen" , foods you need to be buying ORGANIC whenever possible.
Here's a link to the "Top GMO Foods" to Avoid 
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