Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Even Personal Trainers Need to Be Motivated

As a trainer of over 14 years, one of the most common things I hear when someone sits down in front of me for their initial fitness consultation is "I know how to eat, I just don't do it.  I need someone to motivate me, to stay on top of me."  Guess what...So do most people (including myself).  It's not always easy to self-motivate, in fact it's downright difficult and can be the #1 cause of most diet failures.

MYTH:  Trainers have it easy because their bodies are naturally perfect and they don't have to work hard to maintain their sculpted arms and chiseled abs.  They have good genetics that prevent them from gaining weight like most people.

FACT:  As a matter of fact, since I took over my gym 4 years ago, I have never been in worse shape.  The truth is, running a business, no matter what type of business, means more time in the office, in networking breakfasts, networking dinners, Chamber of Commerce events where wine seems to be the main event, and long hours that make it difficult to plan meals perfect for that perfect body.*  Just because someone is a trainer, doesn't mean it's a piece of cake looking the part.

(*In my case, compound that with turning 50 (yes, lots of cake and alcohol, not to mention the screeching halt of my metabolism) and a new boyfriend (yes, lots of cake and alcohol again), it's the perfect storm for a fast 10 pound weight gain.)


  • Have someone to be accountable to.   (Note: Don't ask your spouse or parent to monitor your progress - trust me - these choices rarely work.)  Usually a trainer or a workout buddy is the best choice.
  • Pick a start date (usually the first day of the month is a good start date) to start writing a food journal and showing it to someone. 
  • Log all of your activities, from walking to sleeping (and anything in between - even knookie!)  Every activity expends calories and it's good to have a look at how many you used during the day vs. how many you consumed.
  • Stay away from FAD diets.  By simply eliminating a few evil foods that sabotage all possible weight loss, you can easily drop weight at a healthy rate.
  • Get a workout buddy who wants to achieve similar goals as you.  Hire your trainer together and save a few bucks too!
  • Find and participate in an activity that you love.  For example, join a meetup group that does tennis, swimming, horseback riding, hiking, skiing, dancing, etc.  When you do something active that you love, the weight will come off without even trying.
  • Pick a goal date.  Do you have a wedding coming up?  Perhaps a high school reunion?  These are great events in the future that will hopefully give you the added push and motivation to achieve your fitness goals.
  • Surround yourself with a fan club.  Nothing will kill your progress more than someone you love trying to keep you fat.  They don't come right out and say it.  Learn to listen for things like: "You don't need a trainer, you look fine." or "Sounds like you're working out too hard, you're going to get hurt." or "Oh come on, one cupcake isn't going to hurt" and my all time favorite "You've become obsessed with working out.  You're no fun anymore".   What you have to remember is ...SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO WANT YOU TO SUCCEED!
  • Hire a qualified personal trainer who has a background in nutrition.  This is key!  Ask them to check your food journal for you.  Even if you hire them for one session a week for a month, this will help you get through the month.  Some trainers will even do Skype sessions at a discounted rate so you don't have to actually go see them.  [Shameless Plug:  Leslie Maltz, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist}

So, to help motivate you, I have chosen to start my own plan (yesterday, October 1st) and will be blogging about my progress in the days to follow.  Stay tuned for pics and food diary...  By the way...it's just as humiliating for me to take before photos as it is for you, so be kind. ;)

Want to JOIN our 30-Day Weight Loss Challenge?  CLICK HERE!!!  

Check out the success story of Jen G., one of our 5:30am Bootcampers!

I have tried different health clubs and never got any results and would always get bored with the same old weight machines and treadmills. Never stuck with it. In April 2010 I found Topham Street Gym. One morning I took my very first class. It was tough, but after that I was hooked. The trainers were so helpful and motivational. I never thought that I would have the ability to get up at 5:30 in the morning to workout. But it became second nature to me and I look forward to it. Well, here I am today over two years later, 85 pounds down and 14 pant sizes down. I am in the best shape in my life and I feel strong and confident. I owe a huge part of that to the great fitness program at Topham. I will never join a regular gym again. Walking thru the doors at Topham was a truly blessing.


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