Wednesday, December 19, 2012

5 Easy Ways to Keep Your New Years' Fitness Resolutions

If you're like most people this time of year, you're probably thinking about what you'd like to do better next year and among those things I'd be willing to bet "exercise" is on your list.  Quite possibly you might even be hoping to drop some weight.  Maybe even doing something more adventurous like a sprint triathlon or a mud run type of race, a 5k or maybe even a marathon!  But you have to start somewhere and usually that initiates the thoughts of joining a gym.  Here are five great tips on how to set your fitness goals, stick with them, and most importantly ACHIEVE THEM!

Train with A Friend or Join a Gym Together 

Working out with a friend or joining a gym with a buddy are great places to start. If you’re just pushing yourself it’s easy to give up and give in. But if you have a friend or friends, especially in a class or doing something that’s fun (yoga, kettlebells, bootcamp, etc.), makes working out much less of a ‘chore’.
Also, if you’re battling weight it’s important to have other things that give you fun in your life. If you’re just sitting at home you might be tempted to eat, but if you’re out doing fun things with friends you’re not only burning calories – you’re also fighting the lonely boredom of being at home!  Hiking and joining a Meetup that does outdoor activities is a great way to not only get some great exercise, but also to meet some people who like the same things you do!

Mini-Goal and Reward

Set definite (mini-)goals!  Start with easily attainable goals. Like loosing 4 pounds of fat in 1 month, or adding 1 to 2 pounds of muscle in a month. These goals are doable and, just as importantly, trackable!
Also, give yourself a reward that doesn’t conflict with your goal! So for losing weight, don’t go on a binge if you make some progress – even a small one. Buy yourself some sexy clothing that you can show off to your friends!
Rather than one big goal, break it down into smaller ones. Losing 40 pounds is a LOT of fat to get rid of – but losing 4 pounds a month is much easier, psychologically as well as physically. Just do it ten times, and you’ll steadily make the progress you want to.

A Good Start

How you start is so important. Despite any new years resolution, no matter how big or how small, it’s really dispiriting to injure yourself right off the starting blocks. So invest the time and, if necessary, money to get a good start. Hiring a personal trainer for a few sessions, starting off with a safe and effective beginner weight training program, or joining a class with a knowledgeable instructor are all great ways to start out.
And if you’re really committed, these expenses aren’t really expenses. They’re valuable investments in your health and life, and worth the extra pennies at the beginning of the year to get it right for the next 12 months.

Define ‘In Shape’

What’s your big goal? Your full New Year's resolution? Lose 40 or 50 pounds? Be able to do kickboxing for an hour? Run a marathon? Whatever it is, define it – and go for it!  Have a role model who inspires you?  Put a picture of them on your bathroom mirror and look at it every day.  That's your inspiration to stay focused and keep working for your goal.

Track Yourself, and Do NOT Look For Fast Progress

This is perhaps the most important aspect of achieving a New Year's resolution. Because you have a year to achieve it, the tendency is to choose a big goal… And that’s great!
Just be sure that you don’t get discouraged after a few weeks or a month. Big goals take time to achieve, and usually more than you think; you don’t usually take into account all the little stumbles that inevitably happen along the way.
Don’t get discouraged if you take longer to put on muscle or lose fat than you think you will. In the beginning you might have a few false starts, but you only fail when you give up. Keep working at it, and you will succeed!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Even Trainers Need Motivation - Part II (Long Version)

Last month I told you about the 30-Day Challenge I was starting, but what I didn't tell you was the back story that led up to my needing to do some sort of weight loss program and why it's so important to find support and even more important to recognize it when it appears in your life's path.

I rarely discuss my personal life with people in depth, and doing so in this venue requires a little more exposure than what I'm used to, so bare with me as I get personal, emotional and passionate about what I'm about to share.  I hope you have about 5 minutes because this is one of my more long-winded blogs.  

July 2008 - April 2012 were by far the four hardest years of my life.  First, I went through the not-so-"unhostile" take over of a dying gym I saw as my personal job to save, and save it I did, but not without months of battling the prior owner.  It didn't help that I decided to take on this endeavor at the onset of one of the nation's worst recessions ever.  It was also in that same month (Sept. 2008) that I became separated from my spouse of 21 years, a separation that lasted 3 long years, only to end in divorce last fall.  Funny thing about lose a lot of friends too.  Between July 2008 and March 2011, I survived 2 crazy landladies and moved 3 times.  I proudly, but not without many-a-tear filled and sleepless nights, saw both of my children graduate high school and leave California to attend college.  I lost an amazing friend and client (and ironically an Ironman Athlete) tragically at the age of 55 to a heart attack.  Within 3 months of losing my friend, I lost my mentor/friend and Doctor of Clinical Nutrition and Alternative and Anti-Aging Medicine, Dr. Tony Perrone at the young age of 44 to a heart attack brought on by a faulty heart valve.  Within 3 month of Tony's passing, I lost my very best friend, Mary, to cancer.  It's really no wonder that by mid 2011, I was broken hearted, beaten up and barely able to work.  

Just when I started to feel like I was returning to normal, I met a man who I thought to be "the One".  We fell in love, madly and furiously, against all odds (his children were a mess, his wife had only just passed from cancer 18 months earlier, and his community resisted my existence in his world as they were devoted to his deceased wife.)  It was only 6 short months before he started to pull away and ultimately ended our relationship over the phone after spending Passover/Easter weekend together.  That was just this March, 2012. 

For the following 3 months, I proceeded to make wine my best friend, as well as M&M's, Yogurtland and pizza.  I was burned out on the gym.  Depression set in and helplessness followed.  I started dating just to get out of my small apartment and escape the loneliness that was suffocating me.  

So, here's what I found out between March 2012 and September 2012:

Breakups = lots of calories
Dating = lots of calories
Burnout = lots of calories
Depression = lots of calories

Lots of Calories = Weight Gain
Weight Gain = Depression
Depression = Lack of Motivation to Move My Body
Lack of Motivation = WEIGHT GAIN 

It's a vicious cycle to break, EVEN FOR TRAINERS!

Now, before you go and slit your wrists, let me assure you, that things do get better...

On June 24th a wonderful man walked into my gym interested in teaching bootcamps.  I didn't hire him because, well, he said he would rather go out instead.  We are now on a beautiful path together, looking at a future through much rosier glasses and seeing that love, communication, mutual respect and admiration is truly healing.  It also helps that he and I have mutual interests including exercise and diet.  Note: Having the full support of a loved one is half of the success in any difficult task!

So, after allowing myself to wallow in self-pity for 6 months and gain nearly 15 pounds (I hid it well, but only in clothes) I realized I had to get back to WHO I AM ~ a motivator, a professional fitness trainer, a fitness role model, and ironically, a NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist!

Now many of you know me, but many of you don't.  So let me go on the record as saying "In the 15 years I've been in fitness, I have never endorsed or put my name to any manufactured product."  I have supported professionals I believe in such as Dr. Perrone and other doctors, specialists, acupuncturists  etc., but I have never found a supplement or nutritional product that I could stand behind or would endorse, despite the hundreds of different companies and MLM's (Multi-level Marketing companies like MonaVie, Herbalife, etc.) that have asked me to.  

Until now.  

It was through Facebook that I started to see my professional fitness colleagues using a product called Isagenix.  I was at first skeptical.  Then curious.  Then, after looking in the mirror one more time...desperate.  I called my facebook "friend" Brittney Kara and asked her to send me some info.  We talked a couple of times and I finally said "Fuck it - here's my credit card.  Let's just DO IT!"  

I can't say I was thrilled to find out it was an MLM, because the last thing I need is an Amway-type company forcing me to sell products I don't believe in, or pressuring me to have fake dinner parties that are really sales pitches in disguise.  I've always said "If it's an MLM, I'm not interested - period.", and frankly, that still stands.  Well... except in the case of Isagenix.  Because I love the product, not the company.  (Except, I'm starting to really love the company too, but I'm not really ready to admit that to them yet).

So you're probably getting bored and if you're still reading, you're wondering, okay, so what is ISAGENIX and WHAT DID IT DO FOR YOU?

It's Really Simple.  Isagenix is a program with products that nourish your body by providing it with high quality, highly nutrient dense and organic, sugar-free (no artificial sugars -- Stevia only!) GMO-free, hormone free protein, vitamins, and minerals supplied through a variety of foods such as Shakes, Snacks, Soups, Juice, Cleanses and a whole lot more including beauty products, recipes, vitamins, etc.

On October 1, 2012, I challenged my students to a 30-Day Weight Loss at Topham Street Gym.  They all had the option of unlimited classes, a food plan designed by my late mentor, Dr. Perrone, and guidance from me.  I only had Isagenix.

As it happened, (although I didn't enter the contest for the money) I lost the most percentage of body weight at 5.34% with a total weight loss of  7 lbs.  More importantly, I reduced my body fat by 3%.  

The winner of the gym 30-Day Weight Loss Contest was, Allyson Haim, who as it happened, was the ONLY participant in the Challenge (besides me) using Isagenix!  She lost 3.65% of her body weight and a total of 8 lbs. you want to see my BEFORE and AFTER Photos?  I'm so happy to share them with you, but you'll have to do something for me if I'm going to expose myself that much. 

Here's what I'd like from you...

1.  Send me a private e-mail by clicking here and tell me your story.  What do you want to achieve in your life that you aren't getting by doing it "your way"?

It's not a lot to ask and maybe, just maybe, I can be part of YOUR support team in helping you achieve those goals!  I'm throwing myself into YOUR LIFE'S PATH to help you.  Will you recognize help when it arrives or will you ignore it and stay in your story of self-pity like I did for 6 months?

I hope you take me up on my offer and let me get you started, even if it's just on a weekly workout regimen to move your body into action for what's next to come in your life.

By the way...

What I failed to mention above was that I had an AMAZING SUPPORT TEAM of friends who held me when I cried, picked me up when I was down and held my hand through all of the pain I endured.  
I would be horribly remiss if I didn't give special thanks to the following:
  • Kathy & Thomas Rose - for their unconditional love and generosity.  And for taking me to Fiji with them (who does that?!) -- it simply couldn't have come at a better time.
  • Raffi Donoyan - for literally forcing me to deal with my "trust" issues by making me jump out of a plane 3 miles above the earth and for being there when I landed, in more ways than one.
  • Gary Kelman - for playing the role the Universe assigned him in my recovery from heartbreak.  XO
  • Tony Villalobos - for keeping me laughing between fits of uncontrollable tears
  • Jaffers Bailey - for keeping the gym operating when I couldn't get out of bed 
Of course, there are all of my clients, who inspire me on a daily basis and who keep me motivated to "show up" in my life as well as in the gym.

Thank you.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Even Personal Trainers Need to Be Motivated

As a trainer of over 14 years, one of the most common things I hear when someone sits down in front of me for their initial fitness consultation is "I know how to eat, I just don't do it.  I need someone to motivate me, to stay on top of me."  Guess what...So do most people (including myself).  It's not always easy to self-motivate, in fact it's downright difficult and can be the #1 cause of most diet failures.

MYTH:  Trainers have it easy because their bodies are naturally perfect and they don't have to work hard to maintain their sculpted arms and chiseled abs.  They have good genetics that prevent them from gaining weight like most people.

FACT:  As a matter of fact, since I took over my gym 4 years ago, I have never been in worse shape.  The truth is, running a business, no matter what type of business, means more time in the office, in networking breakfasts, networking dinners, Chamber of Commerce events where wine seems to be the main event, and long hours that make it difficult to plan meals perfect for that perfect body.*  Just because someone is a trainer, doesn't mean it's a piece of cake looking the part.

(*In my case, compound that with turning 50 (yes, lots of cake and alcohol, not to mention the screeching halt of my metabolism) and a new boyfriend (yes, lots of cake and alcohol again), it's the perfect storm for a fast 10 pound weight gain.)


  • Have someone to be accountable to.   (Note: Don't ask your spouse or parent to monitor your progress - trust me - these choices rarely work.)  Usually a trainer or a workout buddy is the best choice.
  • Pick a start date (usually the first day of the month is a good start date) to start writing a food journal and showing it to someone. 
  • Log all of your activities, from walking to sleeping (and anything in between - even knookie!)  Every activity expends calories and it's good to have a look at how many you used during the day vs. how many you consumed.
  • Stay away from FAD diets.  By simply eliminating a few evil foods that sabotage all possible weight loss, you can easily drop weight at a healthy rate.
  • Get a workout buddy who wants to achieve similar goals as you.  Hire your trainer together and save a few bucks too!
  • Find and participate in an activity that you love.  For example, join a meetup group that does tennis, swimming, horseback riding, hiking, skiing, dancing, etc.  When you do something active that you love, the weight will come off without even trying.
  • Pick a goal date.  Do you have a wedding coming up?  Perhaps a high school reunion?  These are great events in the future that will hopefully give you the added push and motivation to achieve your fitness goals.
  • Surround yourself with a fan club.  Nothing will kill your progress more than someone you love trying to keep you fat.  They don't come right out and say it.  Learn to listen for things like: "You don't need a trainer, you look fine." or "Sounds like you're working out too hard, you're going to get hurt." or "Oh come on, one cupcake isn't going to hurt" and my all time favorite "You've become obsessed with working out.  You're no fun anymore".   What you have to remember is ...SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO WANT YOU TO SUCCEED!
  • Hire a qualified personal trainer who has a background in nutrition.  This is key!  Ask them to check your food journal for you.  Even if you hire them for one session a week for a month, this will help you get through the month.  Some trainers will even do Skype sessions at a discounted rate so you don't have to actually go see them.  [Shameless Plug:  Leslie Maltz, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist}

So, to help motivate you, I have chosen to start my own plan (yesterday, October 1st) and will be blogging about my progress in the days to follow.  Stay tuned for pics and food diary...  By the's just as humiliating for me to take before photos as it is for you, so be kind. ;)

Want to JOIN our 30-Day Weight Loss Challenge?  CLICK HERE!!!  

Check out the success story of Jen G., one of our 5:30am Bootcampers!

I have tried different health clubs and never got any results and would always get bored with the same old weight machines and treadmills. Never stuck with it. In April 2010 I found Topham Street Gym. One morning I took my very first class. It was tough, but after that I was hooked. The trainers were so helpful and motivational. I never thought that I would have the ability to get up at 5:30 in the morning to workout. But it became second nature to me and I look forward to it. Well, here I am today over two years later, 85 pounds down and 14 pant sizes down. I am in the best shape in my life and I feel strong and confident. I owe a huge part of that to the great fitness program at Topham. I will never join a regular gym again. Walking thru the doors at Topham was a truly blessing.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't Be Fooled by Mother Nature

Yes, it's true, Mother Nature can be a real bitch.  Who else would hide sugar in the form of a plant that would otherwise seem naturally healthy?  But it's a fact, AGAVE is NOT healthy.

Agave - Nature's sweet enemyAgave, that syrup everyone's talking about as being the "healthy" alternative to sugar and which has taken  the nation's Whole Foods grocery stores by storm, is hardly what it touts itself to be. It is frequently advertised as all-natural, low-glycemic, and “diabetic-friendly.” The reason it is so low on the glycemic index, however, is because it is 90% fructose. To give you some perspective, table sugar is a 50/50 balance of fructose and glucose. High fructose corn syrup is 55/45. That means agave nectar has nearly double the fructose of the diet industry’s public enemy number one! The fact of the matter is that fructose is not your friend -- it has been known to wreak metabolic havoc, upset insulin levels, and raise triglycerides (aka fat).
Simply put - Agave syrup is a champion of good marketing, not of good health.
For more UnHealthy Health Foods, visit:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Don't be Fooled into Starving Yourself

I've recently been realizing just how little most people know about calories, food, energy, proteins, carbohydrates & fats.  I like to think that I educate my clients, introduce them to new ways of looking at food, and help guide them to healthy eating that not only increases their metabolism but that can help reduce risks of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer!  Teaching exercise for me is easy, but teaching people how to change their diet is really the big challenge.

Today, I happened upon a website of a local gym not too far from my own.  I hadn't heard of this gym before so I wanted to check them out.  I went to their website and saw on the home page an Ad for a "7 Day Diet Plan".  Of course, I clicked on it and my jaw dropped!  I couldn't believe what this guy is selling to his clients as a healthy weight loss program.  Not only is it NOT healthy, it actually could cause you to GAIN WEIGHT!  His "7 day diet plan" allows for a maximum of approximately 750 calories a day!!

Here's an excerpt from his "Plan":

Day 1


1 slice of wheat toast
1 cup of coffee or tea (no sugar)


2 hard boiled eggs


Green salad w/ lemon juice
1 cup plain yogurt

Day 2

1 slice of wheat toast
1 cup of coffee or tea (no sugar)


2 hard boiled eggs


Green salad w/ lemon juice
1 cup plain yogurt

Day 3

1 slice of wheat toast
1 cup of coffee or tea (no sugar)


2 hard boiled eggs
1 cup of fruit
1 cup of vegetables


Green salad w/ lemon juice
1 cup plain yogurt
And so on, but you get the idea...

Anything under 1,200 calories a day (women) or 1,800 calories (men) will slow your metabolism down to a screeching halt!  Your body NEEDS calories to get through the day and sustain your daily activities, body and brain function.  Without them, your body simply goes into starvation mode, which you cannot maintain.  On day 8 you will go back to your old eating habits and probably eat more because you've been starving yourself.  Additionally, the food you used to eat and burn effectively will no longer get burned off at the same rate because you have slowed down your metabolism!  His diet should be called the "How I can GAIN weight in 10 days" diet.

The lesson here?  Do your homework and if something sounds too good to be true...well, you know the story.  If you'd like to know more about how many calories YOU should be eating in order to lose weight, please feel free to contact me via e-mail anytime!

Backyard Bootcamp and Topham Street Gym have classes, private training, semi-private training and weight loss programs that suit the individual, not the masses.  Feel free to stop in, drop us a note or give us a call to set up an appointment to come in and get your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), your BMI (Body Mass Index), your Body Fat Percentage tested.  We're here to serve you!

Leslie Maltz, Owner
Topham Street Gym
Backyard Bootcamp

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The "Magic Pill" Syndrome

As a trainer for over 15 years, I've heard it all.  In fact, this video pretty much sums up everything I've heard over the years.  I'm sure if you've ever worked out with a trainer, you've even heard yourself say one or two of those things.  'Why does it have to hurt?'  'Why can't the foam roller just roll the fat away?'  'Why are my arms so jiggly?'  'I heard that Jillian Michael's pills really work!'  'I can't get rid of my stomach - it's hereditary.'  Seriously, the bottom line is people would much rather have a "magic pill" than actually do the work necessary to get in shape, be healthy and start living life the way they want to live.

It's no wonder, with all of the celebrity endorsed products on the market strategically placed at the check out line at the pharmacy, why it's hard NOT to want to grab Jillian Michael's latest FAT BURNING pills.  Even I was intrigued at the variety of brands claiming to guarantee fat loss in just 3 days!  Heck, I could use to drop a few myself and it would be a lot easier to pop a few pills than to go for a run or cut back on my favorite dessert.

But the bottom line is...there is no "magic pill".   If there were, I'd be out of business and there'd be a line out the door at CVS.  So what can I offer to my clients in lieu of the magic pill?  How about a Magic Formula!  Okay, it's not magic, but it works and it's effective and most of all, it's SAFE for you to follow. 

Dropping 10 pounds or more takes work and a change in diet.   Burning and reducing calories (yes, that's the magic formula) isn't that complicated and it doesn't have to feel like "work". 

If you'd like information on how I can make the Magic Formula work for you, please contact me.  I am taking on new clients who are motivated and ready to start living a healthy active life.

Leslie Maltz, CPT
Owner, Topham Street Gym & Backyard Bootcamp