Yes, it's true, Mother Nature can be a real bitch. Who else would hide sugar in the form of a plant that would otherwise seem naturally healthy? But it's a fact, AGAVE is NOT healthy.

Agave, that syrup everyone's talking about as being the "healthy" alternative to sugar and which has taken the nation's Whole Foods grocery stores by storm, is hardly what it touts itself to be. It is frequently advertised as all-natural, low-glycemic, and “diabetic-friendly.” The reason it is so low on the glycemic index, however, is because it is 90% fructose. To give you some perspective, table sugar is a 50/50 balance of fructose and glucose. High fructose corn syrup is 55/45. That means agave nectar has nearly
double the fructose of the diet industry’s public enemy number one! The fact of the matter is that fructose is not your friend -- it has been known to wreak metabolic havoc, upset insulin levels, and raise triglycerides (aka fat).
Simply put - Agave syrup is a champion of good marketing, not of good health.
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